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Dear Plant Pundit

In June 2023, Real Estate & Home by Raleigh MagazineLeave a Comment

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My fur baby seems to love plants as much as I do (or at least that’s what I tell myself…), but I’m worried about her health and safety. As a pet parent, how do I safely own plants—beyond buying pet-friendly ones

—Pawsitively Concerned

Dear Pawsitively Concerned, 

Plant ownership with a pet can be tricky, but there’s lots you can do to keep your furry friend safe. Do your best to pick pet-safe plants such as parlour palms, calatheas, spider plants, African violets, haworthias, hoyas, burro’s tails or fittonias. Be aware of your pet’s habits around your plants. (Do they eat them? Do they lick the soil? Or do they ignore them altogether?) And try to place the plants accordingly. 

You might try turning to options like hanging your plants from the wall or ceiling, putting them on a high shelf that’s not accessible to your pet, or putting them in a special place behind closed doors where your pet doesn’t go. You can also create a pet-safe herb garden in your home using herbs like basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme and cilantro!

Elana Gleason is the social media specialist for Logan’s Garden Shop—and a major houseplant enthusiast! She is also an active member of the Raleigh plant blogger community and runs a “plantstagram” page of her own, @thehouseplantdiva.

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